Elm Park Florists avatar

Elm Park Florists

Elm Park, Greater London

Keep It Local Support your local businesses


"You're very welcome", is our motto, and you are.

We treat every customer as we would like to be treated, with polite, friendly, helpful, compassionate caring,fairness, attention to detail. We only sell quality flowers, don't give it to a customer if you wouldn't want it yourself.we will never be millionaires, but our customers are VERY WELCOME

Elm Park Florists, 01708 505520 - 26 Station Parade, Elm Park, RM12 5AB

Free local delivery*. We email you a picture of your order. Easy parking. Credit/debit cards accepted Same day delivery. AM or PM guarantee. You will only find top quality and great value flowers.

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Elm Park Florists is located in the Elm Park area of Greater London. There are at least 8 other listings in the RM12 postcode area.

Florists in Greater London RM12

Number of Employees: 4

Listing Info

  • 26 Station Parade, Elm Park, Greater London RM12 5AB
  • 01708505520
  • elmparkflorists@googlemail.com
  • Elm Park - 213 feet north west


Company Images

Elm Park Florists 327973 Image 0
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Elm Park Florists 327973 Image 2
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Open Times

  • Monday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Tuesday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Wednesday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Thursday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Saturday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Sunday Closed

Listing Stats


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